As a service to the animal law legal community, for general informational purposes, and to demonstrate how much animal law has permeated the American legal culture, ISAR is pleased to provide the names of organizations whose websites provide useful information about that subject.
American Bar Association, Blawg Directory: Animal Law
Lists the most popular Animal Law Blogs, based on access by ABA members.
American Bar Association, Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section, Animal Law Committee
List of American Bar Association programs relating to animal law, and projects of the committee. Also contains archive of committee newsletters.
Animal Law Blog
Posts news stories pertaining to animal law cases, as well as other animal-related news. Also lists names and links for animal law attorneys nationwide, and state bar associations with animal law sections.
The Animal Law Center
Animal law firm whose site provides several links to national and international statutes, and other animal law sites.
Animal Law Coalition
Posts breaking animal law news as well as the state of the law, grouped into several different animal law issues. Also contains message board for member and visitor discussion.
Animal Law Resources
Links to California Animal Law Enforcement Guide. Enforcement The Guide is a .pdf, requiring Adobe Acrobat, and details California animal laws and enforcement powers of officials.
Animal Law Review
Contains abstracts from past and current animal law articles featured in the Review, as well as links to other animal law organizations.
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Contains recent animal law cases and incidences of publicized animal abuse. Also contains information for the general public (abuse statistics and assistance finding animal law attorneys), lay professionals (books, periodicals, and courses), and attorneys (case law, statutes, and legal forms).
Animal Legal Reports Services
Subscription service, providing in-depth analysis and commentary on animal law court decisions and their impact.
Animal Protection of New Mexico
Comprehensive list of New Mexico animal laws by city and county, as well as some state resources and links for understanding and interpreting statutes.
Animal Welfare Institute
Has links under the “Government and Legal Affairs” tab to current and pending federal legislation relating to animal issues.
Contains numerous animal law statutes and cases, as well as model laws for legislative use. Also contains a searchable bibliography of animal law-related publications, including books, journal and newspaper articles, and government documents.
Anne Arundel County, Maryland, County Code Provisions Relating to Animal Control
Lists local animal law provisions.
Association of Lawyers for Animal Welfare
United Kingdom site, containing animal law articles including an international news feed.
Born Free U.S.A.
Includes some current legislation pertaining to animal protection.
Defenders of Wildlife
Under “In the Courts” tab, lists issues Defenders of Wildlife pursues in the courts, as well as statutes relevant to animal and environmental.
Dog Bite Law
A collection of national dog bite laws, with links for legal professionals, dog owners, bite victims, and more.
Dog Law
Lists legal resources relating only to dogs, organized by canine activities.
Doris Day Animal League
Under “Legislative Update” tab, has links to current animal protection bills. Also has “Resources and Links” tab listing legislative research search engines and tools.
Equine Legal Solutions
A collection of legal (and insurance) issues faced by horse-owners.
Florida Animal Law
Comprehensive list of Florida animal laws, federal animal laws, and animal organizations. Also includes recent news stories regarding animal law topics.
Florida State University College of Law Research Center Blog, Animal Law and Welfare
Basic news feed of animal law developments.
Free Information on Pet, Dog, Cat, & Horse Laws
Basic compilation of links relating to animal laws, divided by species.
George Washington University Law School, Animal Law
Outline of University’s programs, annual conferences, and an animal law news archive.
Georgetown Law Library Animal Law Research Guide
Lists of books, periodicals, and websites dealing with animal law, both United States and International. Also includes suggestions for conducting additional research on the topic.
Gonzaga University School of Law Library Animal Law,
A .pdf file explaining animal law concepts, and good bibliography of cases, books, periodicals, and electronic sites.
Great Ape Project
Organization working to give great apes the status of personhood under laws, rather than property. Has a basic “news and information” tab for additional information.
Great Ape Standing and Personhood
Site promoting the treatment of great apes as persons for the sake of legal statute enforcement, and promotion of this treatment, eventually, for other animals. Also includes a news feed on the international progress of this movement.
International Institute for Animal Law
Links to databases of animal law statutes, animal law lectures, and research projects. Site promises to contain recent animal law news “soon.”
International Society for Animal Rights
Contains substantial information about animal law, including the first state and federal case ever to mention “animal rights.” Extensive site map.
Johnson County Humane Society
Lists applicable animal law statutes for Iowa, broken down by county. Also has additional links for federal laws and animal law organizations.
Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy
List of journal’s articles and instructions for submission, as well as a database search engine focused on international animal law treaties.
King County Law Library Animal Legal Research Guide
Lists animal law sources with an emphasis on Washington State Law. Divides sources into primary and secondary sources, as well as providing additional research tips., Animal Law
Links to some basic animal-law related articles, message boards, and a directory for finding local animal law attorneys.
Louisiana State Bar Association, Animal Law Section
Very basic site, with information about attorney members of the section and listing of state animal law provisions.
Maryland Pet, Animal Welfare Organizations, Laws and Legislation
Lists national animal law sites, as well as regional and national animal welfare organizations.
Maryland State Bar Association, Animal Law Section,
Limited website, with section ethics opinions, legislative testimony, and meeting minutes.
Massachusetts Trial Court Law Library
Lists Massachusetts animal laws, regulations, and case law, as well as a few additional web resources.
Article explaining basics of animal law, as well as links to animal law organizations and a handful of statutes.
Michigan State University College of Law: Animals Legal & Historical Web Center
Database with over 800 full-text animal law cases, and 1,000 animal law statutes. Most are U.S., but some international law as well. Comprehensive “Frequently Asked Questions” section for attorneys and non-attorneys, as well as detailed search engine.
Minnesota State Bar Association, Animal Law Section
Basic site with a few practice links and basic information about members of the organization.
Mississippi Canine Coalition, Inc.
Lists Mississippi state animal law legislation, with a focus on dog ownership.
National Anti-Vivisection Society
Lists recent and pending legislation regarding animal rights and other developments in the area of animal law.
National Association for Biomedical Research, Animal Law Section
Definitions and summary of anti-cruelty laws and other laws affecting animal-based research. Clearly slanted towards pro-biomedical research.
National Center for Animal Law
Contains information about NCAL, different components of the law that make up “animal law,” and career links for animal law-based careers. It also contains information about Lewis and Clark Law School’s animal law curriculum, animal law-based extra curricular activities, and the group’s annual Animal Law Conference
National Institute for Animal Advocacy
Details training program for effective lobbying on behalf of pro-animal legislation.
New Hampshire Animal Law and Animal Rights
Contains New Hampshire animal laws and statutes, web links, and New Hampshire animal news.
New York State Bar Association, Special Committee on Animals and the Law
Lists education programs, relevant statutes, electronic sources and publications relating to animal law, with an emphasis on New York State animal laws.
Open Directory, Society: Issues: Animal Welfare: Legal
A very basic collection of animal law sites, with no real overall theme to provide context.
Orange County Community Resources, Orange County Animal Care
Basic listing of Orange County, California animal laws.,
Tracks upcoming animal abuse cases, and other animal-related cases, on dockets nationwide. Also contains chart of animal abuse laws state-by-state.
PetGuardian Pet Trust Plans
Contains information about creating a pet trust for care of pets whose owners predecease them.
Santa Clara Law, Guide to Animal Law
Links to monographs, journal articles, and electronic resources relating to animal law.
Species Survival Network
Website run by an international coalition of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) committed to the promotion, enhancement, and strict enforcement of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Contains information about CITES and other Animal Treaties, as well as recent news.
State Bar of Michigan, Animal Law Section
Variety of information, including a listserv, events, and newletters in addition to news, legislation, and legal resources.
State Bar of Texas, Animal Law Section
Lists animal law treatises and papers featured in the Section’s Continuing Legal Education presentations. Contains little else.
Suffolk University Law Library: Animal Law
Has links to federal and state law links, books, periodicals, law review articles, and major websites.
United States Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library, Animal Welfare Information Center, Government and Professional Resources
Roundup of federal animal law statutes and regulations. Also has links to state and international statues and regulations.
University of Chicago Law Library, Animal Law and Animal Rights: An Introductory Guide to Selected Resources
Lists a handful of publications and electronic resources. Also includes search tips to find additional sources.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville Law Library
Lists research guides, journal articles, treatises, and other sources pertaining to animal law. Most concern Tennessee state laws, though some are national.
Washington State Bar Association, Animal Law Section
Links to information relating to animal law practice in Washington State, including events and newsletters.
Wisconsin State Law Library, Animal Law
Lists Wisconsin local and state statutes and ordinances regulating animal abuse and sales. Also lists national and state agencies engaged in the advocacy and protection of animals.
World Animal Net, Animal Protection Law
Good primers on the usefulness of animal law legislation, both national and international, and links to books and electronic resources.
Young Williams Animal Center
Outlines animal laws for various governmental levels, including federal, state (Kentucky), county (Knox), and city (Knoxville) levels.